October 6, 2017
Make Money With Your Own Trucking Company
The life of a trucker is usually different than most. There’s a freedom in a way that others might not feel. Some truckers may be able to go home almost every night, while there are others who practically live in the truck. But, if there’s one thing that many truckers love the most it’s the freedom of the road.
While the life of a trucker isn’t for everyone, there are a few perks to living life on the road. You get to see the scenery, set your own schedule, and maybe even feel like your own boss. But sometimes life gets in the way. The company you work for may not be paying you enough, you may not have enough time at home, you don’t like the people you work for, or problems working with your dispatcher. Some truckers make a decent living while others barely scrape by.
It may be time to break free from other trucking companies, and start your own. You don’t have to be a “lone wolf” on your journey to starting your own trucking company. Instead, let Progressive Reporting help you with all the paperwork so you can get back on the road in no time.
With the help of Progressive Reporting, you don’t have to worry about all the paperwork that comes with starting your own company. You can also know exactly where your money is going, with no extra hidden fees.
Download our Free Trucking Guide
The Advantages of Owning Your own Trucking Company
When you’re working as a trucker, you may be wondering what’s next. Am I happy with my career? Will I be doing the same thing every day? Am I earning enough? Can I spend enough time at home? If you’re dissatisfied with your job, it may be time to start your own company. There are actually many advantages to owning your company. Here are just some of the advantages.
Be Your Own Boss
As the owner of your own company, you can choose your hours, what you want to ship, where you want to ship, and how you want your company to run.
Save Money
There are a number of ways where owning your own company can actually save you money. If you own your own company, there are a number of expenses you can write off as business expenses on your taxes. Also, you control your assets. You are the one who receives the profit for taking loads, and if you ever need to sell your trucks for any reason, that money goes to you as well.
Choose Your Own Schedule
By running your own company, you can choose where to ship and when, which means you can choose to spend more time at home. Depending on what kind of trucking company you want to run, you can choose to stay in-state if you want to be home more, or you can go across multiple states if you want to travel.
How Do I Get Started?
If you’re ready to start your own trucking company, give us a call at (866) 574-2978. We can help you every step of the way to get you started. You can also download our free guide to help you on your journey to be your own boss.
Starting on your journey to obtain your own trucking company isn’t necessarily going to be easy, but it can be well worth it. There is a lot of paperwork to do to get your own company started, but it doesn’t have to slow you down.
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