October 15, 2014


Staying compliant with DOT regulations is a crucial part of running your trucking operation. In the event that you fail a DOT audit or compliance review, you may receive a notice of violation. When this happens, they require you to submit a written corrective action plan. This corrective action plan has to follow very specific guidelines in order to be accepted. If your plan gets rejected, you could have your DOT number revoked, or be subject to a fine. Make sure your corrective action plan is right, Progressive Reporting can help you develop a plan that will get accepted.

 The two most common types of DOT audits that occur include a new entrant safety audit for companies just getting an MC number and compliance reviews. Every company that files for an MC number will have a new entrant safety audit within the first 12 months. If you have been scheduled for a compliance review, it is likely that the DOT suspects you of poor safety practices. Progressive can help you prepare for this DOT safety audit, but in the case that you have failed an audit, you will have to submit a corrective action plan.

 The FMCSA has a corrective action plan template that must be followed exactly. You must be very specific in your responses to your deficiencies. Each plan must state:

  • Why the violation occurred
  • What corrective actions you will take to correct the deficiencies
  • What corrective actions you will take to prevent the deficiencies from happening again in the future

 This is not exactly an enjoyable task. Luckily, Progressive has the experience necessary to develop a DOT acceptable corrective action planthat will follow their template. If you provide us with the part B results from your new entrant safety audit compliance review, we can quickly develop a plan for you. Once complete, we will send a copy to you, as well as the DOT. Upon receiving your plan, you are responsible for putting it into action.

Do not risk getting fined or having your DOT number revoked, let Progressive start working on your corrective action plan today. Call us today at (866) 736-6507.


  1. anastasia says:

    hELLO,i have to do a corrective action plan and i would to know if you can you help me.Thank you!

    • Chet says:

      Hello, Thanks for reaching out! We can help with a corrective action plan. One of our coaches will be in contact shortly.

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